Sunday, April 19, 2009

Days Hotel Downtown Grand Rapids to Celebrate Earth Day with Hotel & Restaurant Guests

The Days Hotel Downtown Grand Rapids is taking steps to celebrate Earth Day with its staff and guests. On Earth Day – Wednesday, April 22, 2009 – each overnight guest and diner in the Pearl Street Grill will be presented with a “plantable seed” card representing a tree that will be planted in their honor, in coordination with the Arbor Day Foundation.

“We view Earth Day as a perfect opportunity to strengthen our commitment to promoting the ease of sustainability within our business and the community,” says Ellen Markel, Days Hotel General Manager. “New traditions and opportunities for involvement are important to our guests and staff members.”

Earth Day is also the kick off for the hotel’s team-wide “Adopt-a-Highway” project for 2009, which will run through October. Adopt-A-Highway is a Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) program designed to help keep the state's highway roadsides clean and attractive. The hotel is adopting both sides of a section of state highway roadside to clean up for at least a two-year period. Since 1990, Adopt-A-Highway local groups have collected over a million bags of trash. Currently 2,600 groups are participating in the program and have adopted over 5,700 miles of Michigan highways.

The Days Hotel Downtown Grand Rapids is a 175-room hotel offering single, double and suite accommodations. The property features pool, fitness center, meeting space, complimentary high-speed Internet access, and on-site Pearl Street Grill restaurant.

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